
New Account for Buying a First Home 

New Account for Buying a First Home 

All about the First Home Savings Account Are you or the young people in your life wondering if you'll ever be able to buy a home? Housing affordability is a huge issue for young people today. The Bank of Canada's Housing Affordability Index - a measure of home...

Grand Scams

Grand Scams

Did you know that March is International Fraud Prevention Month? It's intended to raise awareness about fraud and scams in order to prevent them. One scam that really makes my blood boil (and sadly, there are many to choose from) is...

Family fintech apps: need or want?

Family fintech apps: need or want?

If you resolved to teach your kids about money this year, do you need to use family fintech apps, or is it just a want? Last year, we discussed how family fintech apps can make allowance less of a chore, and help your kids spend...

Values Validator Quiz

When you live your values, everything has purpose, including money. Are you interested in discovering what your top five values are?

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