A Fresh New Look for Fall
September 3, 2023

With the kids back at school, and the adults back at work after summer vacations, September can feel like the start of a new year.

Which makes it the perfect time for a light update of The Wisest Investment: Teaching Your Kids to Be Responsible, Independent and Money-Smart for Life.

The “why”, “how” and “what” of teaching the next generation about money is evergreen

But this light update acknowledges the current world we live in post-pandemic. It includes new sections on “finfluencers”, inflation and credit ratings.

We hope you’ll pick up a copy for your own family or pay it forward by buying one as a gift. Teaching the next generation about money is the gift that keeps on giving!

The cover also includes a maple leaf, a quintessential Canadian symbol, to indicate that this is the Canadian edition of The Wisest Investment. Wondering why? Stay tuned!

Media Alert!

  • I spoke with journalist Rubina Ahmed-Haq for her column for CBC/Radio-Canada about why most parents lack the confidence to talk to their kids about money.
  • I also spoke with Brian Ondrako on his podcast Just Get Started, which explored the “getting started” moments and the lessons learned along the way.
  • I also chatted with guest host Susan Bonner of CBC’s The Current about parents struggling with the rising costs of back-to-school.