The State of Financial Literacy in School
April 1, 2024

April is Financial Literacy Month in the US, so we thought it was the perfect time to update our map of financial literacy in American schools. (In Canada, Financial Literacy Month is in November, and we updated our Canadian map last fall.)
25 states require students to take a finlit course in order to graduate from high school.
10 states require a financial literacy course to be offered to students.
Given that 70% of states now offer financial literacy education in school, you may think you’re off the hook!

But according to research, most people believe it is a parent’s job to teach their kids about money. If you agree, but don’t know how to have these conversations or what to talk about, The Wisest Investment is your roadmap.

And if your kids do get financial education in the classroom, they will be at the top of the class!

For more information on financial literacy in school in your state, click here.

Media alert!

  • Are your kids asking you about cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin or Ethereum? I was interviewed for this article in MoneySense about how to have family conversations about crypto, and other tough money topics.
  • April is tax season and to help Canadians get ready to file, I created this tax filing checklist. No more excuses to procrastinate!