New Year, Same Goals and Habits?
January 11, 2023

Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions or set any big audacious goals for 2023? 

We’re only a week or so in, so you’re probably still going strong with the new workout routine or your “Dry January”. But how can you ensure you stick with it next week, next month and next year?

By making it a habit.

A new year is the perfect time to set healthy new habits, whether you have financial, physical fitness or other goals. I’m trying to walk the talk, and my physical fitness goal is to lift heavy weights in 2023 with the help of a New Year Challenge from Body by Jojo.

If your financial habits need a kickstart, The Wisest Investment outlines 11 Healthy Habits of Financial Management. They’re simple, common-sense guidelines, like paying yourself first, to help you get your financial house in order so that you can lead by example and be good financial role models for the young people in your lives.

Habits are sticky. A study by Cambridge University showed that lifelong money habits can be set by the age of 7, so it’s never too early for kids either!

A picture of Larry David with the caption '"You can't say Happy New Year" after January 7"' which links to the topic of people giving up on their goals and breaking their habits shortly after the new year.

A new year is the perfect time to begin making financial literacy a priority in your family. The Wisest Investment can help parents, grandparents, and any adult that cares about the young people in their life do just that.

If you’re a trusted advisor, it’s also a meaningful gift for clients to set them up for success in 2023. Email us at [email protected] to place an order and take advantage of bulk sale discounts. And for your convenience, we now accept credit cards on Canadian orders (and we are working on it for US orders.)

All the best for 2023!